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Weinberg Institute Seminar
Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 02:00pm

Alexey Milekhin, UCSB

"Revisiting Brownian Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model (and its possible relations to de Sitter)"

Abstract: Over the past 25 years, our understanding of the holographic relationship between quantum field theories and gravity in Anti de Sitter spacetime has significantly advanced. Nevertheless, the quest for a holographic duality in the context of a de Sitter universe, which closely resembles our own, has proven elusive.

In my presentation, I will reexamine the Brownian SYK model in the double-scaling regime. I will elucidate both its parallels and distinctions when compared to de Sitter spacetime at a quantitative level.

Additionally, I will discuss an intriguing feature of the Brownian SYK model: emergent energy conservation which is interesting from the condensed matter physics perspective.

Biography: Alexey Milekhin is a postdoc at Caltech. He got his PhD under the supervision of Juan Maldacena at Princeton. His research interests include holographic systems in low dimensions (such as BFSS matrix model, SYK and tensor models) and their out-of-equilibrium properties, such as wormhole formation, thermalization and measurement dynamics.

Location: PMA 9.222