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Final Defense: Jeongheon Choe
Wednesday, September 06, 2023, 09:00am

Jeongheon Choe, UT-Austin

"Optical Probe of Collective Excitations in Quantum Magnets"

Abstract: The interactions between spin, orbital, charge, and lattice significantly influence the properties of numerous materials, being essential for understanding quantum phenomena and hybrid quantum systems. Using Raman spectroscopy, we investigate the collective excitations of quantum magnets, focusing on phonons, magnons, and spin-orbit excitons in CoTiO3, identified as hosting topological bosons, including both magnons and spin-orbit excitons. I will discuss the unusual momentum-dependent magnon lifetimes, the magnon gap coupled with crystal-field fluctuations, and the hybridization between spin-orbit excitons and phonons.

Location: PMA 11.204