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CPF Seminar
Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 04:00pm

Mieczyslaw Witold Krasny, Directeur de Recherche, LPNHE, Sorbonne University Paris

"Gamma-Factory-driven energy source — exploratory studies"

Abstract: How to mitigate the impact of the surge in electricity cost, its volatility, and limited supply in the present and future high-energy accelerator-based research? The possible solution, advocated and discussed in this talk, is to produce, in situ, rather than to purchase, the requisite plug power. The idea is to use a subcritical nuclear reactor, driven by the specially designed "Gamma Factory" photon beam. Gamma Factory is a new project, which could use the existing CERN accelerator infrastructure. If realized, it could provide a leap — in the intensity of the MeV range photon beam — by more than 7 orders of magnitude, with respect to all the present sources of gamma rays. The accelerator and the laser system requirements will be presented to deliver the requisite, MW-class photon beam. The merits of the photonbeam scheme of the accelerator-driven system (ADS) with respect to those of the proton-beam-driven scheme will be discussed.

Location: PMA 4.102