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Qualifier: Hector Iglesias
Thursday, November 03, 2022, 03:30pm

Hector Iglesias, UT-Austin

"Reanalyzing gravitational wave events with an eccentric, higher-order mode model"

Abstract: The detection of eccentricity from a gravitational wave signal is expected to help distinguish between formation channels for a given binary. In this study, we reassess all previously-reported binary black holes with previous claims of possible eccentricity as well as a few binaries with more interesting source parameters, for the first time using a model (TEOBResumSGeneral) which accounts for the full eccentricity range possible and incorporates higher-order gravitational emission critical to model emission from highly eccentric orbits. We estimate the eccentricity of these five events. For the first time, we present marginal evidence of eccentricity for one of the events: GW190929. Contrary to previous work with different settings, we do not find evidence supporting eccentric orbits for the same systems. We find the incorporation of eccentricity in our analyses dramatically shifts the posterior in multiple parameters for several events, features could negatively impact other analyses.

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