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Theory Group Seminar
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 02:00pm

James Dent, Sam Houston State University

"Axion Searches at Direct Detection Facilities, Reactors, and with Nuclear Decays"

Abstract: Axions are pseudoscalars that present a compelling solution to the strong CP problem, as well as being a viable dark matter candidate. Axions and axion-like particles (ALPs, which are pseudoscalars that are similar to axions, but do not solve the strong CP problem) are currently subject to intense theoretical and experimental investigations. This talk will discuss a few recent search proposals for axions and ALPs that utilize dark matter direct detection experiments such as XENON and SuperCDMS for solar axion sources, SuperCDMS style detectors at nuclear reactor sites, and high-statistics searches for missing gammas with lab based nuclear decay sources.

Location: ECJ 1.308