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Final Defense: Ajesh Kumar
Monday, April 25, 2022, 03:00pm - 05:00pm


Ajesh Kumar, UT-Austin
"Strong Correlations and Topology in Novel Condensed Matter Platforms"
Abstract: Understanding universal phenomena related to phases of matter and phase transitions beyond the standard Landau paradigm is a central goal of condensed matter physics. Strongly correlated phenomena such as strange metallicity, pseudogap and related quantum criticality are challenging to describe theoretically because of the absence of a small parameter and challenging experimentally due to limited tunability in conventional solid-state material platforms. In the first part of my talk, I will focus on utilizing the recently discovered moire materials, which are very flexible and offer additional tuning knobs, to realize and theoretically study strongly correlated phenomena beyond the Landau paradigm.
In the second part, I will turn to novel topological phenomena. Recent theoretical developments have discussed topological phases in driven non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems that cannot occur in equilibrium. Their experimental detection is however challenging due since local probes cannot distinguish such topological phases. In this talk, I will describe how they can be realized and probed using string order parameters in superconducting qubit arrays and trapped ion quantum simulators.
Location: PMA 5.116 and Zoom