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Physics Colloquium: Prof. Gennady Shvets
Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 04:00pm

Prof. Gennady Shvetz, Cornell

"New concepts in plasma photonics at the highest intensities: From particle accelerators and x-ray sources to Coulomb explosions of nanostructures"

Abstract: As high-power laser sources are becoming widely accessible to science users, the field of ultra-intense laser-plasma interactions is undergoing a remarkable transformation. From providing tunable coherent x-rays for materials studies to generating high-energy ions for translational biomedical research, the field has matured well beyond its original “hit it is as hard as you can and see what happens” phase. New approaches to controlling and manipulating laser light at ultra-relativistic intensities are needed to turn plasma-based sources into precise and reliable tools of scientific discoveries and practical applications. The emerging field of relativistic plasma photonics aims at solving many of these problems. I will describe how combining intense laser pulses with nanostructured targets, relativistic electron bunches, and additional laser beams can dramatically improve our control of laser-plasma interactions [1]. Examples based on our recent work will illustrate how solid-density targets can be focused into tiny spots in a lens-like fashion while overcoming fundamental plasma instabilities. In another example, I will describe how synergistic interactions between electron and laser beams can facilitate longer propagation distances for both. Many of these concepts require the development of novel massively parallel computational approaches that will also be described. Finally, and time permitting, I will illustrate how the combination of advanced fabrication techniques and intense laser-matter interactions can provide an exciting platform for “nanoslicing” of prefabricated micro-structures through their Coulomb explosions, and for the development of novel radiation sources [2].

[1] T. Wang, V. Khudik, and G. Shvets, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 024801 (2021); Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 23, 111304 (2020).
[2] M. R. Shcherbakov et. al., Nature Comm. 10:1345 (2019); ibid., 12:4185 (2021).

Location: ECJ 1.202 OR Zoom (Meeting ID: 938 5345 2775)