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F.A. Matsen Lecture: Dr. David Wineland
Wednesday, November 16, 2016, 04:00pm

The F.A. Matsen Endowed Regents Lectureship on the Theories of Matter

Dr. David Wineland, NIST, Boulder CO

"Quantum information processing with trapped atomic ions"

4:00pm, The John A. Wheeler Lecture Hall (RLM 4.102). Coffee and cookies will be served at 3:45pm in RLM 4.102

Abstract: Research on precise control of quantum systems occurs in many laboratories, for fundamental research, precise standards, new measurement techniques, and more recently for quantum information processing. I will briefly describe the NIST trapped-ion group’s projects in these areas, but these only serve as examples of similar work being performed in many other laboratories around the world.

Location: RLM 4.102