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Why Physics? Exactly!


Why is the sky blue? Why do black holes exist, and what causes them? What’s the most likely explanation as to how the Pyramids were built? What math and science explains the underlying reasons about what happens in nature and the world around us? Physics. While other sciences explain how, physics is all about the “why.”

Do we promise you’ll find answers to all the whys? Nope. We do promise that by the time you get your Physics degree, you’ll be more intrigued by the whys than ever before. As a result, you’ll be the kind of thinker who can take on a wide variety of career challenges, including medicine, fusion, nuclear engineering, teaching, government policy, semiconductor research, science journalism, space and atmospheric research, acoustics, petroleum exploration, business, and—of course—physics.

Don’t believe us? Click on the tabs below to read the stories of real Physics students and the widely varied fields that they are entering, to learn more about careers in physics, or to take advantage of the services and events that we offer, so you can discover your place in physics.